You can setup the tournament to collect money for the purchase of food and merchandise during the shooters registration process across the various portals.
We can collect money for food: breakfast, lunch, and 3 dinner costs.
We can collect money for merchandise: hats, t-shirts, and polo shirts.
We can collect money for RV spaces per night also.
Why 3 Dinner Prices?
It is not unusual for a large tournament to offer a more expensive meal on Saturday night than Friday night. The idea behind the 3 dinner price options is to accommodate a Friday night dinner, Saturday night dinner, and a 3rd Price if you want to offer a discounted price for both nights.
1.) Select the “Setup” tab.
2.) Look in the column titled Primary Tournament Options.
3.) Select the Tournament Food and Merchandise link.
The Manage Tournament Food and Merchandise window should now be open.
4.) Enter the shooter’s price for the various food and merchandise items.
5.) Click the Update button to save the expenses.