Fees (as of 01/15/2019):

  • Debit transactions are 2.90% with $0.30 per transaction
  • Credit transactions are 2.90% with $0.30 per transaction
  • Monthly fee of $0.00
  • No setup fees
  • No termination fees


NOTE:  MySkeet does NOT RECOMMEND using PayPal as your Payment Gateway.  PayPal has a documented history of suddenly restricting (or closing) accounts without notice if they determine your business is in the Gun Industry!


The Myskeet applications are using the PayPal REST API for processing credit cards.  This API requires that you have a PayPal Business Account setup!  Once setup, you will log into the business account portal, jump to the REST API section at which point you can create an access account specifically for the myskeet applications to use to keep it separate from any other PayPal transactions and processing that your club may do!

At the completion of your REST API setup, you will have generated the 2 keys that Myskeet requires to process credit cards through PayPal on your behalf.  Each key is 60-100 characters in length so please copy & paste them into an email that you will send to:  myskeet@randavis.com:

  • Client ID
  • Secret

You will be setting up 2 environments:  Sandbox and Live
The Sandbox environment is used for Development and Test purposes while the Live environment is your production area.  We estimate it will take approximately 5 minutes to setup both REST API environments…

How to Setup your PayPal REST API Credentials

  1. Log in to the PayPal Developer Portal using the same credentials you use for PayPal.
  2. Select Dashboard.
  3. Scroll down to the REST API apps section.
  4. Click Create App under REST API apps. Any previously created REST API apps will appear in the table under the Create App button.
  5. Enter the name of your REST API app (we suggest MySkeet) in the App Name field and select a Sandbox developer account to associate with your account.
    Note 1: The Sandbox is a development/test area that allows you to test credit card transactions without actually charging the cards.
    Note 2: Remember that you can’t use a Live credit card in Sandbox, and that you cannot use a test credit card in your Live account.
  6. Request permissions for REST API features that apply to the MySkeet integration:
  7. Accept Payments
  8. Invoicing
  9. Payouts
  10. Customer Disputes
  11. Turn on Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments
    1. Put the environment in LIVE mode
    1. Show the details under the Accept Payments section.
    1. Select the Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments option
      1. You may have to setup this advanced feature with PayPal to enable the option.
  12. Select the Save button.
  13. Scroll back to the top of the page and select the Live button to the right of your application name.
  14. Here you can find the Client ID and Secret that MySkeet requires!

To request access to the following features in the Live environment, select the Enable options as shown in the following screen. After you click Enable, your choices undergo a vetting process that can take up to two or three business days.

Once your Live and Sandbox REST API credentials are created, including Client ID and Secret, click the Sandbox and Live buttons to switch between each set of credentials.


  • You should be able to complete transactions in the Live environment right away.
  • Both environments use the same URL. Only the REST API credentials (Client ID and Secret) tell you which environment you’re in.
  • Don’t share your Live REST API credentials with anyone.